Autonomous Metropolitan University

This Committee should deliver to the holder of the SCT an annual report since 2007 on the introduction of DTT, with the necessary recommendations to adapt the transition process. The Secretariat, in turn, should publish on the internet a version of that report with the information that is considered as public in terms of the transparency Act. So far there is no public information from these reports (do exist, perhaps?), with the exception of a table that includes the digital stations that have begun broadcasting in digital. Misinformation is aggravated by the disinterest of the companies to accelerate the transition. Televisa, for example, is It had committed itself to transmit in digital in the cities of Villahermosa, Merida, Morelia, Uruapan, San Luis Potosi and Zacatecas, from 15 December 2009. In 2008 he changed his mind and requested Cofetel to modify the titles of concession of the repeaters of channel 2 on five of those seats and channel 5 in two, to start their digital transmissions by December 2015 in San Luis Potosi, Zacatecas and Morelia; in 2012 in Villahermosa and until 2018! in Uruapan. This means a delay of between six and nine years to deadlines agreed with the Government originally.

According to Cofetel, there are 63 channels in the country which already transmit in digital. Of these, 45 are the cities for the first period, from 2004 to 2006, considered in the digital tv policy agreement: Mexico City, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Tijuana, Mexicali, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros and Reynosa. The rest of the channels are in Toluca, Perote, Puebla, Queretaro, Sabinas Hidalgo, Leon, Cerro Culiacan, Torreon, Hidalgo the Parral and Durango. Based on the said agreement, the second period should cover between 2006 and 2009 the cities with more than one million and a half inhabitants. According to the INEGI only three cities come in that criterion: Puebla, Toluca and lion, plus Tijuana, already considered in the first period.

This means that coverages have been exceeded very easily, because source targets were very ambitious. TV Azteca is the company that has most put into operation digital channels, even ahead of the periods laid down in the agreement, while Televisa has opted to conform to the official calendar, and if we rely on the listing, has failed to comply with the obligation to have a digital presence in Toluca and Puebla. We must also recognise that the launch of HiTV, the television station of the Ajusco, placed the topic of DTT in the level of importance, which would always have. Good news. As uamero I am very pleased by the decision by Cofetel to approve that the Autonomous Metropolitan University (UAM) has its own radio station. The assigned channel is 94.1 FM. Although it will be low-power, the arrival of digitisation will allow that the station can be heard throughout the capital of the country Hector Villarreal will be new media regulations in Segob Undersecretary. His sensitivity about the need to update the legal framework for the media and its experience in the sector paid in this topic.