Native Faith

They know that the Slavic people are the most dangerous weapon against their system of government. They also realize that their time has passed and that the Slavs are beginning to wake up, breaking their offspring – a democratic society. And since 2012 the Earth will be sufficiently covered by original light, which can awaken the spirit of the people, opening all sorts of abilities and power of those who think pravedno.Chtoby reduce the number of people needed to create exercises, going consciousness of the Slavs from the truth, causing them various fears and to Jews, Christians, rulers, and just to each other. After Judge for yourself, what would happen if suddenly all the awakened people instead of empty claims to someone will be engaged in the development, unite and create a new society, as opposed to modern umirayuscheymirovoy system. People feel that this system will collapse soon and hurry to secure their lives.

They were happy to join in a new way of life came out of the slavery of money and stopped supporting "world government". But "the rulers of the world" want to extend its sweet parasitic century, introducing the agents in the Slavic spirit. Already, there is a split in rodnovercheskih communities. Some Slavs hostile to others, and this is what should have been done "Rulers". From Native Vedic Faith ancestors chapter slavyanskihobschin try to make another religion, which is not much otlichaetsyaot same Christianity. But the essence of Native Faith – the knowledge of the universe by himself and the world, successfully concealed, and any knowledge that comes in from outside the community just ridicules. .