
When conscientious becoming of this implication of the direction concept, Weber was felt obliged to interrogate on the direction and the value of science, of the meaning of the actions and accomplishments promoted throughout the years for ' ' men of cincia' '. A methodology of the historical knowledge, for it, could not abstain from the conscientious search for its conditions, estimated, interests and last evaluations. Science, in this direction, would distinguish its validity from the one of other axles of interpretation (religion, art, politics, economy) for the effort to become conscientious of these elements. In this it would reencontraria its value again; she would reencontraria, therefore, one ' ' felt she stops mere beyond tcnico' ' (Weber, 2001: p 440). Thus, we cannot disrespect the importance of the workmanships of Dilthey for the insertion of the felt concept of in the metodolgico domain. However Dilthey, differently of Weber, well where did not perceive the theories of the interpretation would lead: to the conclusion of that, if science also ' ' interpreta' ' , and not ' ' descreve' ' , it also can be interpreted on the basis of its direction and meaning.

Because, then, science interprets? To guarantee or to provide which interests? To affirm or to deny which value? Because it, science, emits a basic interpretation through which requere validity to its interpretations? In its tremendous effort for the constitution of a method pautado in the especificidade of ' ' objects of esprito' ' , Dilthey, for example, could not consider questions such as these. In this specific aspect of the direction and its relation with science, Weber is next to Nietzsche. To toa Deleuze did not say that ' ' the project most general of Nietzsche consists of the following one: to introduce in philosophy the concepts of felt and valor' ' (Deleuze, p 5, 1978).