Ideas and values magazine was founded by Professor Cayetano Betancur in 1951. As Dean of the Faculty of philosophy, Betancur conceived the idea of a magazine that was published not only the production of the professors of the Universidad Nacional, but in general the results of the projects of philosophical inquiry to be undertaken in the country. The first name given to the magazine was Ideas; with him was intended to evoke Plato and reflect the speculative trend in which Professor Betancur wanted to orient the publication. However, this name only appeared in the first issue, because a student magazine had already registered and filed a claim with the University. Swarmed by offers, LA Mayor is currently assessing future choices. Address the need for a new name, chose Ideas and values, wanting this add a new orientation to the magazine. These two guidelines were chosen according to what was contemporary philosophy of the time: the Phenomenology.
However, the original conception was that the magazine was open to all responsible and critical reflection. Another objective of Professor Betancur was to bring philosophy to who interested him, spreading the knowledge of the new philosophical currents worldwide, for which reason a long period Ideas and values he devoted himself almost exclusively to the publication of translations. In its long life time, the magazine has had to overcome some drawbacks. In 1954 was suspended its publication, to give priority for some years to another (Studium) magazine dedicated to the humanist culture, especially the Hispanic. In 1962 the publication of Ideas and values, was restarted in an era in which the studies of philosophy in Colombia sailed through difficult times. In 1972 was also suspended the publication of the magazine and his critical attitude was qualified in the official press as subversive. Fortunately for the Colombian academic life, in 1974 the publication was restarted and since then has not stopped. Currently the magazine publishes articles on any topic philosophical, as well as reviews and translations of works of philosophy.
Times are edited monographic issues, generally in connection with the activities carried out in the Department. Ideas and values is a quarterly publication that thrives on national and international collaborations. In his more than 50 years of life, the magazine has been a space for the publication of Colombian philosophical thought. It has tried, of course, that she maintains a close bond with the philosophical work carried out in Latin America and the world.