
How to holiday to reduce your pace In everyday life is you little time to switch off? How often do you yearn for vacation? Is the holiday there and what happens then? You are completely out of step. No fixed date in the calendar. Is the mobile phone suspiciously quiet does it still? The day begins with a hearty breakfast. Time for family and friends. Evening relaxed round off the day, enjoy the peace… That sounds good, in theory. And what about the practice? Her thoughts revolve everything going well? And if you still need me? Should I call times? If this customer is registering now? I need to check least emails…” Internally, they are perhaps uneasy. Relaxation should feel differently.

From 100 to 0 who constantly in everyday life is in full swing, which can shut down not by right now on and switch to standby mode. Suddenly, time in abundance available stands. Just do anything that trouble many people. Instead of using the time for the longed-for recovery, you can not leave but it. Here and there only times fast… You will need downtime to keep your performance, that you know.

But let’s face it: What do already in everyday life, so that you can turn off at night? How do you refuel new energy? When show the red card to the appointment of hustle and bustle? To begin, only in the holiday, which can be a challenge. But better than never to start. Lay your work not only for 2 3 weeks, but new recharge! To start motivated and powerful in the second half of the year. Maybe you are among the people who believe: in my job you have just never really holidays. My customers or colleagues expect that I’m available. Who wants to be successful, must also in the vacation work.”or, or, or? How do you permanently then remain dynamic and keep your commitment? Use the right strategy: 7 tips 1 consider in a timely manner, what you urgently need you to do: release of a project report, open offers, appointments etc.