South Korea

The ITER is sponsored by the IAEA, as well as a way to share project costs. The experimental nuclear fusion reactor is based on Russian design, called a tokamak. a ste is the basis for the construction of trade show model. The reactor is based on nuclear fusion (energy generated in the Sun) and is emerging as one of the technologies for generating renewable energy, clean and relatively cheap. The current consortium partners are: European Union (EU), Russia (in replacement of the Soviet Union), United States (between 1999 to 2003 decided not to participate), Japan, China (February 2003), South Korea (May 2003) and India (December 2005). Between 1992-2004 Canada participated. On May 21, 2006 it was announced that U.S.

physicists have overcome one of the problems of using nuclear fusion Tokamak model, the phenomenon called located on the edge modes, or ELMs (for its acronym in English) that would erode the inside of the reactor, forcing frequent replacement. In an article published on May 21, 2000 in the British journal Nature Physics, a team led by Todd Evans of General Atomics, California, announced that they discovered that a small resonant magnetic field, derived from special coils located inside of the reactor vessel, creates a chaotic magnetic interference on the edge of the plasma flow stops training. On May 24, 2006 the seven ITER project partners and the European Union, Japan, United States, South Korea, India, Russia and China, signed in Brussels the international agreement to launch the international fusion reactor Tokamak model , to be built in Cadarache, in southeastern France using the Tokamak design.