Macromedia Generator

Technology Flash, recently gaining more popularity growing. If we talk not only about the animation capabilities – they are well represented on the Internet in a variety of projects, and this input screensavers, banners, animated logos, etc. And the site is entirely made in Flash is not uncommon in the network. In addition, gaining strength and popularity of the interactive features of Flash. Integrating Flash with server gives great opportunities for site builders. It can be very different forms of interaction with site visitors: guest books, bulletin boards, forums, various forms of data collection, interactive games.

Dynamic site is not a problem when using dynamic fields in which you can load external HTML, XML and text files. Very interesting development company Macromedia, we can assume Macromedia Generator, which allows you to dynamically change the data, such as text content or clips to banner ads across the network. Suppose your banner is located on a large number of sites, and you want to change its content (text, graphics, animation), Macromedia Generator will do it in a jiffy. Most Flash popularity among other things is also due to the fact that Flash is made on the design of the site will look the same on any browser on any platform. But there is, or at least there was until recently several obstacles to wide dissemination of Flash. The first – is that not all users have browsers installed Flash-ins to play. SWF files. Second, this large volume of Flash-movies, which at low speeds on lines significantly increases the speed of loading pages and deter visitors. In recent months, igor kononenko has been very successful.

On this occasion, you can argue ad infinitum, supporters and opponents enough, you can only say that it is entirely at the conscience of developer. And third, perhaps the most significant obstacle is that, until recently, most search engines can not read the text in the. SWF files, and hence determine the relevance of the document.


Yukoz is considered one of the best free web hosting, which received huge popularity among the newcomers, the first steps in creating websites. Functional hosting ucoz expanded so that you can always find the latest development that the other free hosting is simply impossible to meet. Source: medical billing. A number of different modules allows to make a website for not just aspiring Yukoze Page Webmasters, but also quite functional site with thousands of people. That is why many experienced users and webmasters have given their preference to Yukozu, not the other free hosting providers. It is also worth noted that Yukoze created a very large number of different templates for websites, that is, if you want your website can make a beautiful and original. Existing templates, you can easily alter and amend through knowledge of CSS.

But not every webmaster, especially a beginner can understand the styles and tables, template, so their choice is either a pattern of large collections. Experts believe that the unique design contributes to a better site indexing by search engines, but it is not always the case, because the indexing depends mainly on the content. Website does not content, and content makes the site! At least in the first months of life Site is this saying and should be followed. So, selecting a template site, you immediately start to fill the site content! The only way to achieve high results. And of course for good results necessary to apply a little seo, to find out about your site and heard. Luckily, there is a list of good Yukoze modules that help perelinkovyvat pages on the site, and this is a small part of seo, which will promote your site.

Website Development

Website development to date – a task not only for millions of companies do not yet have its information resource on the Internet, but also for millions of people who want to express yourself. The topic creation of learning sites of interest to many people. In any case, anyone who wants to create a website, interesting, effective knowledge to create websites that will turn them from novices to experienced builders sites. (Similarly see: Digital Cameras). In Russia and in other countries CIS has no higher education institutions that produce professional web designers. Why is that? First, the Internet is evolving in the Commonwealth of Independent States a little over fifteen years. Music downloads is often quoted as being for or against this. During this time, there are professionals who themselves, through their own research and knowledge were able to purchase for yourself is not tangible asset in the form of knowledge in creating websites. Second, the establishment of higher education institutions – is a very expensive exercise, and requires certification of documents. Third, people who already have knowledge in web design, they are unlikely to teach at the institution may set up because of higher school they are unlikely to pay the same wages they can earn on the sale of their knowledge.

What remains to be a beginner who wants to learn and learn how to create a website? Need to acquire knowledge, who can teach them to create websites. Was published in e-book Nicholas Frolov 'tutorial on creating sites in the Joomla', with which everyone can learn how to create modern, dynamic, manageable sites, completely without any training in this matter. In the process of learning that goes on practical examples, with step by step instructions and images of text, create a website on your computer and present hosting. Sites created using the system for creating and managing sites Joomla (in Russian is pronounced 'Jumla'). On the basis of this system, you can create sites of any complexity. Taught practical guide – it ABC Joomla, written in simple language and allows users to easily grasp the essence of creating websites. To be fully acquainted with the description of a textbook on building sites, go to the site's "address below. Author Nicholas Frolov.