Visceral Fat

The body accumulates fat in many areas of the body. It is well known that excess fat may increase the risk to develop certain diseases. However, it is also quite clear that location where you accumulate these fats play an important role in the health and future medical conditions. Subcutaneous fat is found near the surface of the skin. This fat is relatively easy to remove and haul less potential for health problems compared to another type of fat, visceral fat. Visceral fat is the fat that surrounds internal organs.

This type of fat is more difficult to eliminate and they play an important role in certain types of chronic diseases. People with high levels of visceral fat are often those who consume a diet poor in vitamins y: are obese – are sedentary – smoke – drink alcohol – have high levels of stress take a diet that is high in fat, especially saturated fat visceral fat can be measured by a lot of different techniques, some better than others. More methods common include the circumference of the waist, the cadera-cintura relationship, among others bioelectrical impedance. Of all the options some are virtually inaccessible to us, the common people, either because they are too costly or by the involved devices. The circumference of the waist and the cadera-cintura relationship are an easy and simple way of measuring visceral fat. While they are not the most accurate methods, such as the bioelectrical impedance analysis, they are a practical way of measuring fat. Although the exact mechanism of how visceral fat causes health problems, the most accepted theory is that visceral fat releases an excess of free fatty acids, which results in resistance to insulin in the liver. This insulin resistance is the trigger for other health problems including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension and some types of cancer.